"eXistenZ'' arrives a few weeks after "The Matrix,'' another science-fiction movie about characters who find themselves inside a universe created by virtual reality. "The Matrix'' is mainstream sci-fi, but "eXistenZ,'' written by Cronenberg, is much stranger; it creates a world where organic and inorganic are not separate states, but kind of chummy. Consider the scene where an oil-stained grease monkey implants a bio-port in the hero, using a piece of equipment that seems designed to give a lube job to a PeterBilt. Read More...
It’s taken four years but Lex Luthor is finally coming to Supergirl next week. Though Superman made his debut on the Girl of Steel’s show back in season 2, his nemesis has taken a while to get to National City, but that all changes in episode 4×15 “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” in which Jon Cryer joins the cast as the iconic bad bald billionaire.
Recommended Videos We previously got our first glimpse of the villain a while back, which told us that Cryer’s Luthor would unusually sport a beard, but this new batch of photos show us that Lex also won’t be in the best of health when we catch up with him. Read More...
International Cat day is celebrated on August 8th. It was established by the International Fund for Animal welfare to protect cats from abuse.
International Cat Day is celebrated on August 8th every year. Collen Paige, lifestyle writer marked this to bring awareness to the number of cats that need to be rescued every year. It was established by the International Fund for Animal Welfare in 2002, to purposely provide protection and support to the cats. Read More...